to Guide great books

travel further around the world 



We are committed to partnering with publishers, authors, illustrators, editors, businesses and industrial associations in book publishing industry. 

We conduct market research and analysis, shortlist good titles, and recommend them to publishers whose core business focus is to introduce great books to readers at every age, from 1 to 100.

We advise authors and publishers on story and content development, and we introduce books into new markets with tailor-made branding and market entry strategy.

Eventually, we enrich people’s lives around the world by bringing more great books to them.

wellread & boekenreis

Wellread & Boekenreis Agency has roots in the Netherlands, United Kingdom and China. 

We are a small team with great passion.  We are dedicated to sharing of knowledge through great fiction and non-fiction books. 

Specialized in rights and licensing business, we assist business customers with rights negotiation, translation work, and the sale and distribution of children’s books across print, audio, video and digital channels.

With many years of business consultancy in Asia and Europe, our leadership team consists of experts in market entry strategy, public policy, and branding strategy.




our work in the book publishing


Book Rights

We handle rights negotiation and licensing business.


We constantly review books and recommend them for specific countries.


We help craft stories and assist publishers in their business expansion.

focus on curious readers


Read-aloud books to help toddlers get to know the world and develop their cognitive skills.

7-12 YEARS

Help curious minds to explore the world through visual and verbal information in books. 

13-18 years

Reading by themselves is to boom knowledge and their emotional & social development. 


A life long journey of learning, gaining knowledge and discovering information.